
Listed below are the organisations that we are affiliated with, or think will be of interest.

a:gender - CSRA's sister organisation, a:gender is the support network for staff in government departments and agencies who have changed or need to change permanently their perceived gender, or who identify as intersex.

Stonewall - they have been involved in campaigning and lobbying since 1989. Some major successes include helping achieve the equalisation of the age of consent, lifting the ban on lesbians and gay men serving in the military, securing legislation allowing same-sex couples to adopt and the repeal of Section 28. More recently Stonewall has helped secure civil partnerships and ensured the recent Equality Act protected lesbians and gay men in terms of goods and services.

LGBT History Month - Lesbian Gay Bisexual Trans History Month takes place every year in February. It celebrates the lives and achievements of the LGBT community, and the organisers are committed to celebrating its diversity and that of the society as a whole and encourage everyone to see diversity and cultural pluralism as the positive forces that they are.

The Pink Paper - this site is the home of news, entertainment, health, jobs and general information for gay men, lesbians and bisexuals in the UK.